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A Bricky Road Ahead

Autorenbild: Dolunay GüntherDolunay Günther

Ouch! - You stepped on a lego brick!

A parent, who tries to combine parenting and freelancing often sees his/herself standing in front of a rocky road - time is the decisive factor.

For someone like me, who takes her freelancing career very serious, but sharing precious moments with her kids also is more worth than anything else - pangs of conscience are predestined.

How should I ever manage to provide being the super-mom (I always imagined to be) and push my career further to reach that level of success which my perfectionism assumes?

What I've learned so far (still learing) is that I´ll try to take brick for brick - taking the situation as it comes and trying to make the best out of it. Mostly I'm working at night, when the kids are asleep. But they won't sleep trough, teething. Or my son gets infected with a flue because he was in daycare (and the entire family gets infected 😳). Maybe the small or big ones simply are having a bad day: The work can't be done.

Stop. That's not true, you have to see it otherwise: Parenting IS a fulltime job. Any other work means, you are trying to do 200% and guess what, being still human you won't be able to do both perfectly. So being flexible and organized is the be-all and end-all!

There are lot's of helpful apps, life organizing sheets, maybe a dated calender in form of an organizer! I personally love using my Apple calendar. I've created a color coding for me, my hubby, my kids AND my work. I shared the calendars with my husband, so we are always informed of each other. I also use the listing tool on my Iphone, to collect Ideas or write down my to-dos.

Here are some tips, to relieve your everyday mixed-up chaos and using your time wisely (because time is the rarest thing when it comes to set up both parent and career life):

  • Enjoy consciously the time you are spending with your kids - imagine them, how they will remember their childhood.

  • Try not to get angry over the cancelled working hours, you must do some nightshifts, that's normal.

  • Priorise the next things you want to work on - which one will pay off most? (It could be publicity, advertisment, connections...or money 😋)

  • You need experiences of success for keeping this crazy workload up.

  • Organize yourself - A good time management is the first building BRICK for a successful career and being a loving parent.

  • Be patient (standing for both sides 😚) - Success will take time and for a parenting freelancers it takes MORE, than for somebody who can focus 1000% on his/her work...that's the thing with taking 'baby steps'.

Don't be afraid of the bricky road. You can built up the way ahead, together with your family when time comes. And I'm sure, the kids will have so much fun helping us - did you ever see your child being proud over something?🥰

With lots of love,

Dolunay ✨

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