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Welcome to the 'Artsy Mind of Chaos' ❥

Autorenbild: Dolunay GüntherDolunay Günther

Amazing! You really stumbled over my website and made it to my blog - that's awesome news for me. It makes me really happy and also stresses me like...exams or something like that.

Can you relate? 😅

I'm thinking about this blog for more than a year and I never really got the right feeling what to write about. Not because I wouldn´t have any intresting art topics in my mind. It's more the feeling that nobody needs ANOTHER page with 'how to' or 'let's draw' tipps.

Therefore I decided to write about every current stuff in my work and life - Wait! Sounds like some kind of diary, right? Well, I would call it weekly summary. And maybe you can find yourself somewhere in between my words and we are 'better together' 😊 rather than a lone, chaotic, artsy mind.

So, let's go to trough the world together and hey, I would love to hear your opinion, your statement or current topics in your life! Feel invited to talk and discuss in the comments. ☺️

Right now it's Sunday, 9 o'clock in the evening aaaaaand tomrrow it's my birthday!! Yes, and I am writing this blog entry exactly now in this situation. This is how my artsy mind is working - sometimes nobody (me neigther) can say if it's a rational decision. 😂 Often I'm going with the 'flow'.

If you are also going the way of 'flow' and/or just want to take part on this story - I'm really looking forward to meet artsy minded people and to exchange ideas and life stories with you! ✨

Wishing you a wonderful start into the week,

xoxo, Dolunay ✨🌙

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